FlowTime 是一款专注提升你的效率的插件, 其实它跟闹钟有点像,你可以设置一个时间,然后在这个时间后提醒你,比如你在刷新闻的时候设置个30分钟,那么即使你平时容易跑偏老是一直刷下去,那么这个插件有助于30分钟后提醒你已经刷了三十分钟了。人有时候就是这样,没有倒计时就没有一点紧迫感。
A FREE Chrome Extension to boost your productivity!
FlowTime works as a Pomodoro-like timer that boosts your productivity by making your mind go into the state of flow faster.Flow is the mental state of operation in you are fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. It is a state in which you are the most productive!
FlowTime v3.1.0
未经允许不得转载:老杜博客 » Chrome插件FlowTime 专注力提升的效率插件 倒计时插件