Allow Right-Click是一款解除鼠标右键功能限制的插件,很多网站禁止右键点击图片,保存图片,复制文字内容,假装保护其内容。这个插件可以帮你更好的摘录和保存网站内容。
Re-enable the possibility to use the context menu on sites that overrides it.
This extension re-enables the context menu.Indeed, many sites prohibit the right-click on images, pretending to protect their content. I think it is illegitimate.
Unfortunately, Google Chrome does not have advanced options for what javascript is allowed to do (on the contrary of Konqueror, Opera or firefox). If you think it should, please star (don’t add a “me too” comment)
In the meantime, this extension provides a workaround, by resetting the oncontextmenu to its default behaviour on many elements of the page. Oh, as a bonus, it works for Flickr and Youtube html5 videos too!
If a site is not supported, please report it in the bug tracker, not in the comments.
If a site is broken by the extension, please report it in the bug tracker, not in the comments.However, a nice comment is always welcome
Allow-Right-Click v1.5.2.4
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