Inoreader Companion RSS是一款阅读器插件,有了订阅的RSS源,就可以使用这个RSS阅读器进行阅读。目前好用的RSS阅读器之一,可在Web、Android端直接使用,iOS端可以使用reeder登陆,相当于全平台同步了。
现在已经改名为RSS Reader Extension (by Inoreader)。
Quickly view your updated feeds, subscribe to your currently opened site and more…
This is the official browser extension for Inoreader – the content reader for power users who want to save time.Inoreader helps you keep track of your top information sources, monitor keywords or social feeds, save pages for viewing later and access all your articles anytime with powerful free search and full subscription archive.
Inoreader Companion v4.1.5
RSS Reader Extension (by Inoreader) v5.0.5
RSS Reader Extension (by Inoreader) v5.1.1
未经允许不得转载:老杜博客 » Chrome插件Inoreader Companion RSS阅读器(RSS Reader Extension by Inoreader)