谷歌浏览器F12打开调试工具,点击augury,可以看到有Component Tree,Router Tree,NgModules
Extends the Developer Tools, adding tools for debugging and profiling Angular applications.
Augury is a Google Chrome Dev Tool extension for debugging and visualizing Angular applications at runtime.— New in version 1.24.1
* Fixing AOT issue— New in version 1.24.0
* Cannot read property ‘nativeElement’ of undefined
* Update supported versions
* Adding redirect to route path description
* Adding try catch with workaround to solve bug
* Sanity for AppRef.isStable observable
* Update libraries & Compability
* Define selectedComponentProperty in the way it could be redefined
Augury v1.25.2
未经允许不得转载:老杜博客 » Chrome插件Augury- Angular2专用的 Chrome调试插件